Visioning Process
Even though we discussed many topics and issues at the Council retreat, arguably the most important was the visioning process. In 2018, we decided to move forward with a community visioning process, but we did not know exactly what that would be. Thanks to some earnest dialogue, we determined to move forward with a visioning process and took steps to launch it.
You can read the mission statement, Council resolution, and background here.
Basically, Council desires a committee of residents to work with a professional facilitator to develop and manage a community outreach process that will reach as many residents as possible. Since 2005 the last time the entire community was engaged in this manner, it is time to reconnect and understand what residents are thinking about Worthington’s present and future.
Council would like to “make decisions with the long-term interests and desires of residents in mind by engaging all stakeholders. The goal is to gain a thorough understanding of a broad cross-section of the community representing the will of the people.”
Apply to the Visioning Committee
The city recently announced the opening of the application process for the Visioning Committee. If you would like to be considered for this committee, please apply here by noon on April 11. You can learn more about the time commitment and committee member expectations here.
Though we are hoping the committee will help develop specific outcomes of this process, it is highly possible that certain outcomes will impact Worthington’s future for decades to come.
Council Retreat Topics
The topics Council decided to discuss during the retreat were included on a scoring sheet. Each Council member could rate the topics based on a weighted scoring method. Below are the results of the collective scoring.
The following are topics we discussed and are likely to work on in 2019 (council scoring to the left of each topic):
33 Wilson Bridge Road
23 McCord Park Renovations
21 Updated Office Buildings Strategy
21 Energy Efficiency
19 Electric Car Charging Stations
19 Bike/Ped Development
Other topics we discussed but not likely to prioritize for 2019
18 Water/Sewer Surcharge
17 SR-161 Recommendations
17 Murals
16 Fiber Network for Economic Development
15 Parks & Recreation Cost Study
14 Railroad Quiet Zones
12 Communication
10 Sustainability Committee
10 Tree Preservation
8 Additional Positions or Functions
8 Massage Establishments
4 Airbnb & VRBO - Vacation Rentals
These topics were put on the list but not raised in the retreat discussion. They may be discussed throughout 2019.
Council Rules
Deer Study & Management
Setbacks Closer to Street
Bury Wires in Old Worthington
Gas Lights - Old Worthington
Use CRC or new group to involve more outreach
Better Lights - Old Worthington
Resident Finance Ad Hoc
Keep Setbacks
More Resident Input
Worthington Galena – Safety Improvements
Apartments limited to 2 stories
Specific Funds for Future