Since July 2022, Council has been discussing the possibility of adding a Sustainability Manager position to city staff as a next step in promoting environmental sustainability described in my recent article (here).
In late 2022, Council Member Bucher proposed appropriating funds from the general balance surplus to cover the cost of a full-time sustainability position. Some members of Council requested more information and time to consider the proposal.
In January, more details were provided, and Council had another discussion about the position. Some members of Council needed more time to consider the proposal. So, all members of Council committed to opening the discussion again in March to determine an outcome. Council tabled the action until March.
At the March 13 meeting, Bucher asked to take the former motion off the table so we could have the promised discussion.
The “yes” votes were: Bucher, Smith, Robinson
The “no” votes were: Kowalczyk, Hermann, Michael, Brewer
So that’s it.
We didn’t even get to discuss the position even though we all committed to the discussion previously.
I stated my support of the sustainability position since July. And though the discussion has been stopped, I know the advancement of environmental practices and programs will continue – with community support.
I invite your thoughts and feedback about sustainability issues.